SHL has relaunched the first of its series of Complete Pre-school Development Packs designed to take your child from birth all the way to Reception Year.
The aim of these SHL Pre-school Development Packs is to help new parents, childminders, nannies and nursery staff to encourage, track and record the amazing development of their child from birth to school age, by providing a week-by-week programme which involves a wide range of fun activities to do together designed specifically with development in mind. We have tested the packs on a range of pre-school children, and have incorporated feedback from those children, their parents, childminders and nursery staff.
The packs are updated to link to the new Department for Education Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Statutory Framework, and the Pre-school Journal and Development Record helps you to track and record progress over the whole pre-school period.
Short focused activities promote physical skills (moving and handling); personal, social and emotional development (making relationships, self-esteem, managing feelings and behaviour); literacy and numeracy; communication skills (listening, understanding and speaking); expressive arts (exploring and using media and materials, being imaginative); and understanding the world.
The Packs are not intended to be a prescriptive programme of study, but activities are set out alongside a typical age so that you can match suitable activities to your child.
Children need to practise everything they do thousands of times before skills become automatic. They are naturally programmed to be persistent. All you have to do is provide a safe and secure environment and loads of encouragement.
The books included in the Development Packs offer hundreds of activities which you can vary so that your child’s level of interest – and yours! – remains high no matter how many times you repeat them.
We hope the wide range of ideas will help you even after a broken night's sleep or a hard day at work.
The first pack in the series is for children from 2 years old up to 4 years old.
The two other packs in the series will be launched soon, the first for birth to 12 months, and the second from 12 months up to 2 months.